Sci Fi Game

I completed a 6 Week Part-Time Introduction course in Games Design in Summer 2015. The output of this was a playable prologue to a 3D First Person Shooter Sci-Fi game, a shiny certificate from Pulse College and this cameo modelling an obelisk in my check shirt in the new promotional video for the Pulse College Galway campus.


Screenshot of the sci-fi prologue game I created

Thanks to Chris Colston, Michael Moore and Mikey Maguire for providing the bulk of the game design and for teaching us how to use the Unity game engine, 3ds Max for modelling, Paint Shop Pro for texturing and Pro Tools for audio. Also thanks to the many and varied artists who make their assets available for students to use on the internet.

You can play the sci-fi prologue I created through your browser. doesn’t allow Javascript embedding, so please just open this separate HTML file in your browser. I plan to add to it as a learning sandbox as I learn more skills e.g. animated characters as I read Game Character Creation with Blender and Unity.

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