Fox Squadron

I co-founded the Star Wars-themed online gaming clan Fox Squadron with my friend Leon (who went on to become the world-beating X-Wing pilot Zorro) when I was 15. I  managed and led about 2 dozen members from around the world until 1998 when I sensibly took my leave to focus on my last 2 years of school. We used to chat and arrange games on the Internet Gaming Zone. I also developed an interactive website for the squadron, and since then have even dabbled in retro Fox Squadron merchandising!


Original website location:
Archived website:

Furthermore, I used scripting tools like XvTED to build several custom missions for games like X-Wing vs. TIE-Fighter (XvT) and X-Wing Alliance (XWA), the most prominent of which is Crisis in the Kanin Sector.


I created the above cinematic cutscene with 3D models, backdrops, audio, music, lighting, rendering and special effects in the late 90s/early 00s. I recently dug it up and finally decided to upload it, for nostalgia’s sake. Its original purpose was as a cutscene for inclusion in a custom mission pack for XvT or XWA. Its secondary objective was as general propaganda for the Fox Squadron gaming clan, but I never finished it to my liking. The following details tell its age:

  1. 3D models done in Extreme 3D
  2. Backing track is a version of Lose Control by Northern Irish band Ash that I edited to remove lyrics
  3. Voice and sound FX are lifted from XvT, which I was playing online at the time when I started to make this

2 comments on “Fox Squadron

  1. FOX_Kai_Mon says:

    I miss XvT…

  2. FOX_Anubis says:

    Oh man…good times indeed.

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